
this website of mine
Log | Files | Refs

commit f5741aa7c70b49d25a741d94bf2a38905346581b
parent 594ae0dea4236df2aacdf0c9de88139449436eec
Author: massi <>
Date:   Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:36:32 -0700

delete unused files

Dmake.clj | 3---
Dmake.lisp | 5-----
Dsrc/main.lisp | 88-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

diff --git a/make.clj b/make.clj @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -#!clj -(load-file "src/main.clj") -(massi-world/mk-site) diff --git a/make.lisp b/make.lisp @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/sbcl --script - -(load "./src/main.lisp") -(in-package #:spinneret) -(mk-site) diff --git a/src/main.lisp b/src/main.lisp @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -(load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp") -(ql:quickload "spinneret") -(ql:quickload "spinneret/cl-markdown") -(ql:quickload "local-time") - -(in-package #:spinneret) - -(defun header () - (with-html - (:header - "massi world 🦝"))) - -(defmacro with-page ((&key path title description img img-desc) &body body) - (let ((abs-path (format nil "" path))) - `(with-html - (:doctype) - ( - (:head - (:meta :charset "UTF-8") - (:meta :name "viewport" :content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1") - (:title ,title) - (:script :type "module" :src "/js/js-check.js") - (:link :rel "stylesheet" :href "/static/style.css") - (:meta :name "description" :content ,description) - (:meta :property "og:title" :content ,title) - (when (and ,img ,img-desc) - (:meta :property "og:image" :content ,img) - (:meta :property "og:image:alt" :content ,img-desc)) - (:meta :property "og:locale" :content "en_US") - (:meta :property "og:type" :content "website") - (:meta :property "og:url" :content ,abs-path) - (:meta :name "theme-color" :content "#000033") - (:link :rel "canonical" :href ,abs-path) - (:link :rel "shortcut icon" :href "/favicon.ico") - (:link :rel "icon" :type "image/png" :sizes "16x16" :href "/static/massi-world-16-16.png") - (:link :rel "icon" :type "image/png" :sizes "32x32" :href "/static/massi-world-32-32.png") - (:link :rel "icon" :type "image/png" :sizes "48x48" :href "/static/massi-world-48-48.png") - (:link :rel "apple-touch-icon" :href "/static/massi-world-180-180.png") - (:link :rel "manifest" :href "/manifest.json")) - (:body ,@body))))) - -(defun mk-home (path) - (with-page (:path path :title "Home page" :description "My website.") - (header) - (:section - (:h2 "projects") - (:ul - (:li (:a :href "/projects/color-synth.html" "color-synth")))) - (:footer ("Last generated: ~A" (local-time:now))))) - -(defun file-get-contents (filename) - (with-open-file (stream filename) - (let ((contents (make-string (file-length stream)))) - (read-sequence contents stream) - contents))) - -(defun mk-page (&key path maker) - (let* ((out-dir "build/") - (out-file (format nil "~{~A~}" `(,out-dir ,path)))) - (ensure-directories-exist out-file) - (with-open-file (str out-file - :direction :output - :if-exists :supersede - :if-does-not-exist :create) - (setf *always-quote* t) - (format str (with-output-to-string (*html*) (funcall maker path)))))) - -(defun mk-color-synth (path) - (with-page (:path path - :title "color-synth" - :description "color-synth: a synth that outputs colors") - (:div.color-synth - (:h1 "color-synth") - (:div.samples (:img :src "/static/color-synth-sample-1.webp") - (:img :src "/static/color-synth-sample-2.webp") - (:img :src "/static/color-synth-sample-3.webp") - (:img :src "/static/color-synth-sample-4.webp")) - ( (#.(file-get-contents "./src/")))))) - -(defparameter sitespec - '(("index.html" mk-home) - ("projects/color-synth.html" mk-color-synth))) - -(defun mk-site () - (loop for pagespec in sitespec - for path = (first pagespec) - for maker = (second pagespec) - do (mk-page :path path :maker maker)))