commit c2708194d9778b044dbd75b1cc70e9b9159821ff
parent 96b728c1b89b8476778f517b8714b31110db07fa
Author: Iqbal Ansari <>
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2017 14:47:49 +0530
Use a hash-table as the collection or `emojify-completing-read`
Earlier we used a list as the collection this restricts the information that the
`predicate` argument for `emojify-completing-read` has access to for filtering
the candidates, using that hash-table with display string and the emoji data
allows provides all the data about the emoji to the predicate.
M | emojify.el | | | 35 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- |
1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/emojify.el b/emojify.el
@@ -1506,6 +1506,31 @@ Borrowed from apropos.el"
;; Inserting emojis
+(defvar emojify--completing-candidates-cache nil
+ "Cached values for completing read candidates calculated for `emojify-completing-read'.")
+(defun emojify--get-completing-read-candidates ()
+ "Get the candidates to be used for `emojify-completing-read'.
+The candidates are calculated according to currently active
+`emojify-emoji-styles' and cached"
+ (let ((styles (mapcar #'symbol-name emojify-emoji-styles)))
+ (unless (and emojify--completing-candidates-cache
+ (equal styles (car emojify--completing-candidates-cache)))
+ (setq emojify--completing-candidates-cache
+ (cons styles
+ (let ((emojis (ht-create #'equal)))
+ (emojify-emojis-each (lambda (key value)
+ (when (seq-position styles (ht-get value "style"))
+ (ht-set! emojis
+ (format "%s - %s (%s)"
+ key
+ (ht-get value "name")
+ (ht-get value "style"))
+ value))))
+ emojis))))
+ (cdr emojify--completing-candidates-cache)))
(defun emojify--completing-read-minibuffer-setup-hook ()
"Enables `emojify-mode' in minbuffer while inserting emojis.
@@ -1531,15 +1556,7 @@ HIST, DEF, INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD correspond to the arguments for
(styles (mapcar #'symbol-name emojify-emoji-styles))
(line-spacing 7)
(completion-ignore-case t)
- (candidates (let (emojis)
- (emojify-emojis-each (lambda (key value)
- (when (seq-position styles (ht-get value "style"))
- (push (format "%s - %s (%s)"
- key
- (ht-get value "name")
- (ht-get value "style"))
- emojis))))
- emojis))
+ (candidates (emojify--get-completing-read-candidates))
;; Vanilla Emacs completion and Icicles use the completion list mode to display candidates
;; the following makes sure emojify is enabled in the completion list
(completion-list-mode-hook (cons #'emojify--completing-read-minibuffer-setup-hook