commit a45ab2a131955090233555a3637952aae0e0f427
parent db3165d7e2464745daccfb40c5dfbe06a6909055
Author: Iqbal Ansari <>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2016 20:21:19 +0530
Cosmetic changes, name variables according to Elisp conventions
1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/emojify.el b/emojify.el
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
;;; Commentary:
-;; This package displays emojis in Emacs similar to how Github, Slack etc do. It
+;; This package displays emojis in Emacs similar to how Github, Slack etc do. It
;; can display plain ascii like ':)' as well as Github style emojis like ':smile:'
;; It provides a minor mode `emojify-mode' to enable display of emojis in a buffer.
@@ -976,11 +976,10 @@ of the window. DISPLAY-START corresponds to the new start of the window."
;; Lazy image downloading
-(defvar emojify--refused-image-download nil
+(defvar emojify--refused-image-download-p nil
"Used to remember that user has refused to download images in this session.")
-(defvar emojify--download-in-progress nil
- "Used to remember that emojis are being downloaded, to avoid multiple emoji
- download prompts.")
+(defvar emojify--download-in-progress-p nil
+ "Is emoji download in progress used to avoid multiple emoji download prompts.")
(defun emojify--emoji-download-emoji-set (data)
"Download the emoji images according to DATA."
@@ -1019,20 +1018,20 @@ of the window. DISPLAY-START corresponds to the new start of the window."
"Download emoji images if needed."
(when (and (equal emojify-display-style 'image)
(not (file-exists-p emojify-image-dir))
- (not emojify--refused-image-download))
+ (not emojify--refused-image-download-p))
;; Do not prompt for download if download is in progress
- (unless emojify--download-in-progress
- (setq emojify--download-in-progress t)
+ (unless emojify--download-in-progress-p
+ (setq emojify--download-in-progress-p t)
(if (yes-or-no-p "[emojify] Emoji images not available should I download them now?")
(emojify-download-emoji emojify-emoji-set)
;; Remember that user has refused to download the emojis so that we
;; do not ask again in present session
- (setq emojify--refused-image-download t)
+ (setq emojify--refused-image-download-p t)
(warn "[emojify] Not downloading emoji images for now. Emojis would
not be displayed since images are not available. If you wish to download emojis,
run the command `emojify-download-emoji'")))
- (setq emojify--download-in-progress nil))))
+ (setq emojify--download-in-progress-p nil))))
(defun emojify-ensure-images ()
"Ensure that emoji images are downloaded."