commit a0bcb2fb855745ec1cecdf9e19e399abc9729672
parent 4ea210dceab002123d0da2f678c9fe4103ad5d60
Author: Iqbal Ansari <>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 13:05:21 +0530
Use ert-runner to run tests
5 files changed, 431 insertions(+), 405 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.dir-locals.el b/.dir-locals.el
@@ -3,5 +3,4 @@
(eval ignore-errors
(push (quote ("Tests" "(\\(\\<ert-deftest\\)\\>\\s *\\(\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)?" 2)) imenu-generic-expression)
(when (string-match-p "test" (buffer-file-name))
- (emojify-mode +1)
- (emojify-mode -1)))))
+ (setq emojify-inhibit-emojify-in-current-buffer-p t)))))
diff --git a/emojify-tests.el b/emojify-tests.el
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-(unless noninteractive
- (let ((default-directory (expand-file-name ".cask/")))
- (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path)))
-(add-to-list 'load-path default-directory)
-(require 'emojify)
-(require 'ert)
-(require 'el-mock)
-(require 'cl)
-(require 'noflet)
-;; Used for testing integration with programming modes
-(require 'org)
-(require 'org-agenda)
-(require 'cc-mode)
-(defmacro emojify-tests-with-saved-customizations (&rest forms)
- "Run forms saving current customizations and restoring them on completion.
-Helps isolate tests from each other's customizations."
- (declare (indent 0))
- `(let ((emojify-saved-emoji-json emojify-emoji-json)
- (emojify-saved-image-dir emojify-image-dir)
- (emojify-saved-substitution-style emojify-substitution-style)
- (emojify-saved-inhibit-major-modes emojify-inhibit-major-modes)
- (emojify-saved-inhibit-in-buffer-functions emojify-inhibit-in-buffer-functions)
- (emojify-saved-preferred-style emojify-preferred-style)
- (emojify-saved-prog-contexts emojify-prog-contexts)
- (emojify-saved-inhibit-functions emojify-inhibit-functions)
- (emojify-saved-point-entered-behaviour emojify-point-entered-behaviour)
- (emojify-saved-show-help emojify-show-help))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- ,@forms)
- (setq emojify-emoji-json emojify-saved-emoji-json
- emojify-image-dir emojify-saved-image-dir
- emojify-substitution-style emojify-saved-substitution-style
- emojify-inhibit-major-modes emojify-saved-inhibit-major-modes
- emojify-inhibit-in-buffer-functions emojify-saved-inhibit-in-buffer-functions
- emojify-prog-contexts emojify-saved-prog-contexts
- emojify-inhibit-functions emojify-saved-inhibit-functions
- emojify-point-entered-behaviour emojify-saved-point-entered-behaviour
- emojify-show-help emojify-saved-show-help)
- ;; This as a side-effect also re-reads JSON data so no need to
- ;; re-adjust changes to emojify-emoji-json
- (emojify-set-preferred-style emojify-saved-preferred-style))))
-(defmacro emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer (str &rest forms)
- (declare (indent 1))
- ;; Run tests in a new buffer
- `(let ((test-buffer (get-buffer-create " *emojify-test-buffer*")))
- (noflet ((emojify-buffer-p (buffer)
- (or (string-match-p "^ \\*emojify-test-buffer\\*" (buffer-name buffer))
- (funcall this-fn buffer))))
- (unwind-protect
- (save-window-excursion
- (switch-to-buffer test-buffer)
- ;; Rename it uniquely so that subsequent buffers do not conflict with it
- (rename-uniquely)
- ;; Save all possible customizations
- (emojify-tests-with-saved-customizations
- (setq emojify-point-entered-behaviour nil)
- (insert ,str)
- (emojify-mode +1)
- ;; Force refontification since JIT does it lazily
- (emojify-display-emojis-in-region (point-min) (point-max))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- ,@forms))
- ;; Keep the buffer around for interactive tests, helps debugging failing
- ;; tests
- (when noninteractive
- (kill-buffer test-buffer))))))
-(defmacro emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer (str &rest forms)
- (declare (indent 1))
- `(emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer ,str
- (emojify-with-saved-buffer-state
- ,@forms)))
-(defmacro emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (point)
- `(progn
- (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'point-left))
- (should (get-text-property ,point 'emojified))
- (should (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-buffer))
- (should (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-start))
- (should (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-end))
- (should (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-text))
- (should (get-text-property ,point 'display))
- (should (get-text-property ,point 'point-entered))))
-(defmacro emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (point)
- `(progn
- (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'point-left))
- (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojified))
- (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-buffer))
- (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-start))
- (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-end))
- (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-text))
- (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'display))
- (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'point-entered))))
-(defmacro emojify-tests-should-be-uncovered (point)
- `(progn
- (should (get-text-property ,point 'point-left))
- (should (get-text-property ,point 'emojified))
- (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-buffer))
- (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-start))
- (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-end))
- (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-text))
- (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'display))
- (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'point-entered))))
-(ert-deftest emojify-tests-simple-ascii-emoji-test ()
- :tags '(ascii simple)
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ":)"
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (point-min))
- (should (equal (get-text-property (point-min) 'emojify-buffer) (current-buffer)))
- (should (equal (get-text-property (point-min) 'emojify-start) (point-min)))
- (should (equal (get-text-property (point-min) 'emojify-end) (point-max)))
- (should (equal (get-text-property (point-min) 'emojify-text) ":)"))))
-(ert-deftest emojify-tests-simple-github-emoji-test ()
- :tags '(github simple)
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ":smile:"
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (point-min))
- (should (equal (get-text-property (point) 'emojify-buffer) (current-buffer)))
- (should (equal (get-text-property (point-min) 'emojify-start) (point-min)))
- (should (equal (get-text-property (point) 'emojify-end) (point-max)))
- (should (equal (get-text-property (point) 'emojify-text) ":smile:"))))
-(ert-deftest emojify-tests-emojifying-after-change ()
- :tags '(github simple)
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer ":smile:\n:)"
- (emacs-lisp-mode)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-mode +1)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (line-beginning-position))
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (line-beginning-position 2))
- (comment-region (point-min) (point-max))
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (+ 3 (line-beginning-position)))
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (+ 3 (line-beginning-position 2)))))
-(ert-deftest emojify-tests-emoji-uncovering ()
- :tags '(behaviour point-motion)
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer " :)"
- (setq emojify-point-entered-behaviour 'uncover)
- (goto-char (1+ (point-min)))
- (emojify-tests-should-be-uncovered (point))))
-(ert-deftest emojify-tests-emoji-echoing ()
- :tags '(behaviour point-motion)
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer " :)"
- (with-mock
- (mock (message ":)"))
- (setq emojify-point-entered-behaviour 'echo)
- (goto-char (1+ (point-min)))
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (point)))))
-(ert-deftest emojify-tests-custom-point-entered-function ()
- :tags '(behaviour point-motion)
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer " :)"
- (setq emojify-point-entered-behaviour (lambda (buffer emoji-text emoji-start emoji-end)
- (should (equal buffer (current-buffer)))
- (should (equal emoji-text ":)"))
- (should (equal emoji-start (1+ (point-min))))
- (should (equal emoji-start (point-max)))))
- (goto-char (1+ (point-min)))
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (point))))
-(ert-deftest emojify-tests-emojify-setting-styles ()
- :tags '(styles github ascii)
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ":) :smile:"
- (let ((ascii-emoji-pos (point-min))
- (github-emoji-pos (+ (point-min) (length ":) "))))
- (emojify-set-preferred-style 'github)
- ;; Ascii emoji should not be displayed
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified ascii-emoji-pos)
- ;; Github emojis should be displayed
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified github-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-set-preferred-style 'ascii)
- ;; Ascii emoji should be displayed
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified ascii-emoji-pos)
- ;; Github emojis should not be displayed
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified github-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-set-preferred-style 'all)
- ;; Ascii emoji should not be displayed
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified ascii-emoji-pos)
- ;; Github emojis should be displayed
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified github-emoji-pos))))
-(ert-deftest emojify-tests-prog-contexts ()
- :tags '(prog contextual)
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ";; :) :smile:\n\":smile:\"\n8)"
- (let* ((comment-ascii-emoji-pos (+ 3 (point-min)))
- (comment-github-emoji-pos (+ comment-ascii-emoji-pos (length ":) ")))
- (string-github-emoji-pos (1+ (line-beginning-position 2)))
- (prog-ascii-emoji-pos (1+ (line-beginning-position 3))))
- (emacs-lisp-mode)
- (setq emojify-prog-contexts 'both)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified comment-ascii-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified comment-github-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified string-github-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified prog-ascii-emoji-pos)
- (setq emojify-prog-contexts 'comments)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified comment-ascii-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified comment-github-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified string-github-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified prog-ascii-emoji-pos)
- (setq emojify-prog-contexts 'string)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified comment-ascii-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified comment-github-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified string-github-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified prog-ascii-emoji-pos)
- (setq emojify-prog-contexts 'none)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified comment-ascii-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified comment-github-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified string-github-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified prog-ascii-emoji-pos))))
-(ert-deftest emojify-tests-text-contexts ()
- :tags '(text contextual)
- ;; At start of comment
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ";:smile:"
- (emacs-lisp-mode)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
- ;; In comment after space
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "; :smile:"
- (emacs-lisp-mode)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (+ 2 (point-min))))
- ;; Inside a comment
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "/**\n:)"
- (c-mode)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (line-beginning-position 2)))
- ;; Immediately after a bracket
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "(:smile:"
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
- ;; Immediately after a word
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "A:)"
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
- ;; Immediately before a word
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ":)A"
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
- ;; Immediately before a closing bracket
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ":))"
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
- ;; Immediately before a closing bracket
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ":))"
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
- ;; Immediately after a punctuation character
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "!:)"
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
- ;; Following a punctuation and a space
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "! :)"
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (+ 2 (point-min))))
- ;; Outside a comment
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "/**/:)"
- (c-mode)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (+ 4 (point-min))))
- ;; Surrounded by comments
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "/*:)*/"
- (c-mode)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (+ 2 (point-min)))))
-(ert-deftest emojify-tests-emojifying-lists ()
- :tags '(contextual)
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ":]"
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (point-min)))
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "[ :]"
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (+ 3 (point-min))))
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ";; 8)"
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (+ 3 (point-min))))
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ";; (lambda () 8)"
- (emacs-lisp-mode)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (+ 14 (point-min)))))
-(ert-deftest emojify-tests-emojifying-org-mode-buffers ()
- :tags '(org-mode contextual)
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "* Test :books:\n:books:"
- (org-mode)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (1- (line-end-position)))
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (line-beginning-position 2)))
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "8)"
- (org-mode)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (point-min)))
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "* 8)"
- (org-mode)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (1- (point-max))))
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp\n:)\n#+END_SRC"
- (org-mode)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (line-beginning-position 2)))
- ;; TODO: This does not work yet
- ;; (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "8) 8)"
- ;; (org-mode)
- ;; (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- ;; (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (1- (point-max)))
- ;; (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "* Test :books:\n:books:"
- (org-agenda-mode)
- (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
- (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (1- (line-end-position)))
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (line-beginning-position 2))))
-(ert-deftest emojify-tests-uncover-on-isearch ()
- :tags '(isearch)
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer "Testing isearch\n:books:"
- (with-mock
- ;; We do not want to be bothered with isearch messages
- (stub message => nil)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (line-beginning-position 2))
- (isearch-mode +1)
- (execute-kbd-macro ":book")
- ;; Emoji should be uncovered when point enters it in isearch-mode
- (emojify-tests-should-be-uncovered (line-beginning-position))
- (isearch-exit)
- ;; Emoji should be restored on leaving the underlying text
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (line-beginning-position 2)))))
-(ert-deftest emojify-tests-uncover-on-isearch-multiple-matches ()
- :tags '(isearch)
- (emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer "Testing isearch\n:book:\n:books:"
- (let ((first-emoji-pos (line-beginning-position 2))
- (second-emoji-pos (line-beginning-position 3)))
- (with-mock
- ;; We do not want to be bothered with isearch messages
- (stub message => nil)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified first-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified second-emoji-pos)
- (isearch-mode +1)
- (isearch-printing-char ?b)
- (isearch-printing-char ?o)
- ;; TODO: For some reason first one actually repeats backwards when
- ;; called non-interactively As such 2 more repeats are needed first to
- ;; go back to first match and second to actually search forward
- (isearch-repeat 'forward)
- (isearch-repeat 'forward)
- (isearch-repeat 'forward)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified first-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-uncovered second-emoji-pos)
- (isearch-exit)
- ;; Emoji should be restored on leaving the underlying text
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified first-emoji-pos)
- (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified second-emoji-pos)))))
-;; So that tests can be run simply by doing `eval-buffer'
-(unless noninteractive
- (ert "^emojify-"))
-(provide 'emojify-tests)
-;;; emojify-tests.el ends here
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-cask exec emacs -batch -l ert -l emojify-tests.el -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit "$@"
diff --git a/test/emojify-test.el b/test/emojify-test.el
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+;;; emojify-test.el --- Tests for emojify -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Tests for emojify, major use case is to run from the command-line
+;;; but can use can be interactively as well. Do M-x `eval-buffer' RET
+;;; Code:
+;; For interactive testing
+(unless noninteractive
+ (require 'test-helper (expand-file-name "test-helper.el")))
+;; Used for testing integration with programming modes
+(require 'org)
+(require 'org-agenda)
+(require 'cc-mode)
+(ert-deftest emojify-tests-simple-ascii-emoji-test ()
+ :tags '(ascii simple)
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ":)"
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (point-min))
+ (should (equal (get-text-property (point-min) 'emojify-buffer) (current-buffer)))
+ (should (equal (get-text-property (point-min) 'emojify-start) (point-min)))
+ (should (equal (get-text-property (point-min) 'emojify-end) (point-max)))
+ (should (equal (get-text-property (point-min) 'emojify-text) ":)"))))
+(ert-deftest emojify-tests-simple-github-emoji-test ()
+ :tags '(github simple)
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ":smile:"
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (point-min))
+ (should (equal (get-text-property (point) 'emojify-buffer) (current-buffer)))
+ (should (equal (get-text-property (point-min) 'emojify-start) (point-min)))
+ (should (equal (get-text-property (point) 'emojify-end) (point-max)))
+ (should (equal (get-text-property (point) 'emojify-text) ":smile:"))))
+(ert-deftest emojify-tests-emojifying-after-change ()
+ :tags '(github simple)
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer ":smile:\n:)"
+ (emacs-lisp-mode)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-mode +1)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (line-beginning-position))
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (line-beginning-position 2))
+ (comment-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (+ 3 (line-beginning-position)))
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (+ 3 (line-beginning-position 2)))))
+(ert-deftest emojify-tests-emoji-uncovering ()
+ :tags '(behaviour point-motion)
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer " :)"
+ (setq emojify-point-entered-behaviour 'uncover)
+ (goto-char (1+ (point-min)))
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-uncovered (point))))
+(ert-deftest emojify-tests-emoji-echoing ()
+ :tags '(behaviour point-motion)
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer " :)"
+ (with-mock
+ (mock (message ":)"))
+ (setq emojify-point-entered-behaviour 'echo)
+ (goto-char (1+ (point-min)))
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (point)))))
+(ert-deftest emojify-tests-custom-point-entered-function ()
+ :tags '(behaviour point-motion)
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer " :)"
+ (setq emojify-point-entered-behaviour (lambda (buffer emoji-text emoji-start emoji-end)
+ (should (equal buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (should (equal emoji-text ":)"))
+ (should (equal emoji-start (1+ (point-min))))
+ (should (equal emoji-start (point-max)))))
+ (goto-char (1+ (point-min)))
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (point))))
+(ert-deftest emojify-tests-emojify-setting-styles ()
+ :tags '(styles github ascii)
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ":) :smile:"
+ (let ((ascii-emoji-pos (point-min))
+ (github-emoji-pos (+ (point-min) (length ":) "))))
+ (emojify-set-preferred-style 'github)
+ ;; Ascii emoji should not be displayed
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified ascii-emoji-pos)
+ ;; Github emojis should be displayed
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified github-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-set-preferred-style 'ascii)
+ ;; Ascii emoji should be displayed
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified ascii-emoji-pos)
+ ;; Github emojis should not be displayed
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified github-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-set-preferred-style 'all)
+ ;; Ascii emoji should not be displayed
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified ascii-emoji-pos)
+ ;; Github emojis should be displayed
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified github-emoji-pos))))
+(ert-deftest emojify-tests-prog-contexts ()
+ :tags '(prog contextual)
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ";; :) :smile:\n\":smile:\"\n8)"
+ (let* ((comment-ascii-emoji-pos (+ 3 (point-min)))
+ (comment-github-emoji-pos (+ comment-ascii-emoji-pos (length ":) ")))
+ (string-github-emoji-pos (1+ (line-beginning-position 2)))
+ (prog-ascii-emoji-pos (1+ (line-beginning-position 3))))
+ (emacs-lisp-mode)
+ (setq emojify-prog-contexts 'both)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified comment-ascii-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified comment-github-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified string-github-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified prog-ascii-emoji-pos)
+ (setq emojify-prog-contexts 'comments)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified comment-ascii-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified comment-github-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified string-github-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified prog-ascii-emoji-pos)
+ (setq emojify-prog-contexts 'string)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified comment-ascii-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified comment-github-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified string-github-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified prog-ascii-emoji-pos)
+ (setq emojify-prog-contexts 'none)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified comment-ascii-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified comment-github-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified string-github-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified prog-ascii-emoji-pos))))
+(ert-deftest emojify-tests-text-contexts ()
+ :tags '(text contextual)
+ ;; At start of comment
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ";:smile:"
+ (emacs-lisp-mode)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
+ ;; In comment after space
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "; :smile:"
+ (emacs-lisp-mode)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (+ 2 (point-min))))
+ ;; Inside a comment
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "/**\n:)"
+ (c-mode)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (line-beginning-position 2)))
+ ;; Immediately after a bracket
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "(:smile:"
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
+ ;; Immediately after a word
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "A:)"
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
+ ;; Immediately before a word
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ":)A"
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
+ ;; Immediately before a closing bracket
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ":))"
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
+ ;; Immediately before a closing bracket
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ":))"
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
+ ;; Immediately after a punctuation character
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "!:)"
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
+ ;; Following a punctuation and a space
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "! :)"
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (+ 2 (point-min))))
+ ;; Outside a comment
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "/**/:)"
+ (c-mode)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (+ 4 (point-min))))
+ ;; Surrounded by comments
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "/*:)*/"
+ (c-mode)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (+ 2 (point-min)))))
+(ert-deftest emojify-tests-emojifying-lists ()
+ :tags '(contextual)
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ":]"
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (point-min)))
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "[ :]"
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (+ 3 (point-min))))
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ";; 8)"
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (+ 3 (point-min))))
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer ";; (lambda () 8)"
+ (emacs-lisp-mode)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (+ 14 (point-min)))))
+(ert-deftest emojify-tests-emojifying-org-mode-buffers ()
+ :tags '(org-mode contextual)
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "* Test :books:\n:books:"
+ (org-mode)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (1- (line-end-position)))
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (line-beginning-position 2)))
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "8)"
+ (org-mode)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (point-min)))
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "* 8)"
+ (org-mode)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (1- (point-max))))
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp\n:)\n#+END_SRC"
+ (org-mode)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (line-beginning-position 2)))
+ ;; TODO: This does not work yet
+ ;; (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "8) 8)"
+ ;; (org-mode)
+ ;; (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ ;; (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (1- (point-max)))
+ ;; (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (1+ (point-min))))
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "* Test :books:\n:books:"
+ (org-agenda-mode)
+ (emojify-redisplay-emojis)
+ (emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (1- (line-end-position)))
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (line-beginning-position 2))))
+(ert-deftest emojify-tests-uncover-on-isearch ()
+ :tags '(isearch)
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer "Testing isearch\n:books:"
+ (with-mock
+ ;; We do not want to be bothered with isearch messages
+ (stub message => nil)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (line-beginning-position 2))
+ (isearch-mode +1)
+ (execute-kbd-macro ":book")
+ ;; Emoji should be uncovered when point enters it in isearch-mode
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-uncovered (line-beginning-position))
+ (isearch-exit)
+ ;; Emoji should be restored on leaving the underlying text
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (line-beginning-position 2)))))
+(ert-deftest emojify-tests-uncover-on-isearch-multiple-matches ()
+ :tags '(isearch)
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer "Testing isearch\n:book:\n:books:"
+ (let ((first-emoji-pos (line-beginning-position 2))
+ (second-emoji-pos (line-beginning-position 3)))
+ (with-mock
+ ;; We do not want to be bothered with isearch messages
+ (stub message => nil)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified first-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified second-emoji-pos)
+ (isearch-mode +1)
+ (isearch-printing-char ?b)
+ (isearch-printing-char ?o)
+ ;; TODO: For some reason first one actually repeats backwards when
+ ;; called non-interactively As such 2 more repeats are needed first to
+ ;; go back to first match and second to actually search forward
+ (isearch-repeat 'forward)
+ (isearch-repeat 'forward)
+ (isearch-repeat 'forward)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified first-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-uncovered second-emoji-pos)
+ (isearch-exit)
+ ;; Emoji should be restored on leaving the underlying text
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified first-emoji-pos)
+ (emojify-tests-should-be-emojified second-emoji-pos)))))
+;; So that tests can be run simply by doing `eval-buffer'
+(unless noninteractive
+ (ert "^emojify-"))
+(provide 'emojify-test)
+;;; emojify-test.el ends here
diff --git a/test/test-helper.el b/test/test-helper.el
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+;;; test-helper.el --- Tests for emojify -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Helpers to write tests for emojify
+;;; Code:
+;; Setup load-path, some of this is redundant when tests are run from the
+;; command line
+(let ((project-dir (locate-dominating-file (or (buffer-file-name) load-file-name)
+ ".cask")))
+ (if (not project-dir)
+ (user-error "Could not locate project root")
+ (let ((default-directory (expand-file-name ".cask/" project-dir)))
+ (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path))
+ (add-to-list 'load-path project-dir)))
+;; Libs required for tests
+(require 'ert)
+(require 'el-mock)
+(require 'cl)
+(require 'noflet)
+;; Load emojify
+(require 'emojify)
+;; Helper macros for tests
+(defmacro emojify-tests-with-saved-customizations (&rest forms)
+ "Run forms saving current customizations and restoring them on completion.
+Helps isolate tests from each other's customizations."
+ (declare (indent 0))
+ `(let ((emojify-saved-emoji-json emojify-emoji-json)
+ (emojify-saved-image-dir emojify-image-dir)
+ (emojify-saved-substitution-style emojify-substitution-style)
+ (emojify-saved-inhibit-major-modes emojify-inhibit-major-modes)
+ (emojify-saved-inhibit-in-buffer-functions emojify-inhibit-in-buffer-functions)
+ (emojify-saved-preferred-style emojify-preferred-style)
+ (emojify-saved-prog-contexts emojify-prog-contexts)
+ (emojify-saved-inhibit-functions emojify-inhibit-functions)
+ (emojify-saved-point-entered-behaviour emojify-point-entered-behaviour)
+ (emojify-saved-show-help emojify-show-help))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ ,@forms)
+ (setq emojify-emoji-json emojify-saved-emoji-json
+ emojify-image-dir emojify-saved-image-dir
+ emojify-substitution-style emojify-saved-substitution-style
+ emojify-inhibit-major-modes emojify-saved-inhibit-major-modes
+ emojify-inhibit-in-buffer-functions emojify-saved-inhibit-in-buffer-functions
+ emojify-prog-contexts emojify-saved-prog-contexts
+ emojify-inhibit-functions emojify-saved-inhibit-functions
+ emojify-point-entered-behaviour emojify-saved-point-entered-behaviour
+ emojify-show-help emojify-saved-show-help)
+ ;; This as a side-effect also re-reads JSON data so no need to
+ ;; re-adjust changes to emojify-emoji-json
+ (emojify-set-preferred-style emojify-saved-preferred-style))))
+(defmacro emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer (str &rest forms)
+ (declare (indent 1))
+ ;; Run tests in a new buffer
+ `(let ((test-buffer (get-buffer-create " *emojify-test-buffer*")))
+ (noflet ((emojify-buffer-p (buffer)
+ (or (string-match-p "^ \\*emojify-test-buffer\\*" (buffer-name buffer))
+ (funcall this-fn buffer))))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (switch-to-buffer test-buffer)
+ ;; Rename it uniquely so that subsequent buffers do not conflict with it
+ (rename-uniquely)
+ ;; Save all possible customizations
+ (emojify-tests-with-saved-customizations
+ (setq emojify-point-entered-behaviour nil)
+ (insert ,str)
+ (emojify-mode +1)
+ ;; Force refontification since JIT does it lazily
+ (emojify-display-emojis-in-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ ,@forms))
+ ;; Keep the buffer around for interactive tests, helps debugging failing
+ ;; tests
+ (when noninteractive
+ (kill-buffer test-buffer))))))
+(defmacro emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer (str &rest forms)
+ (declare (indent 1))
+ `(emojify-tests-with-emojified-buffer ,str
+ (emojify-with-saved-buffer-state
+ ,@forms)))
+(defmacro emojify-tests-should-be-emojified (point)
+ `(progn
+ (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'point-left))
+ (should (get-text-property ,point 'emojified))
+ (should (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-buffer))
+ (should (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-start))
+ (should (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-end))
+ (should (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-text))
+ (should (get-text-property ,point 'display))
+ (should (get-text-property ,point 'point-entered))))
+(defmacro emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (point)
+ `(progn
+ (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'point-left))
+ (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojified))
+ (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-buffer))
+ (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-start))
+ (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-end))
+ (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-text))
+ (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'display))
+ (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'point-entered))))
+(defmacro emojify-tests-should-be-uncovered (point)
+ `(progn
+ (should (get-text-property ,point 'point-left))
+ (should (get-text-property ,point 'emojified))
+ (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-buffer))
+ (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-start))
+ (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-end))
+ (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'emojify-text))
+ (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'display))
+ (should-not (get-text-property ,point 'point-entered))))
+(provide 'test-helper)
+;;; test-helper.el ends here