commit 62a32d34bade5279f2c23ce19308bb11f1aa0162
parent 5ba9d59ec44bf018f858c4326faf30b31c8fc320
Author: Iqbal Ansari <>
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2016 14:19:41 +0530
Fix display of overlapping emojis
2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/emojify.el b/emojify.el
@@ -338,8 +338,13 @@ can customize `emojify-inhibit-major-modes' and
(json-object-type 'hash-table))
(json-read-file emojify-emoji-json)))
+ ;; Construct emojify-regexps in descending order of length, this is important
+ ;; so that larger emojis are searched first and get precedence over smaller
+ ;; ones (see also `emojify-display-emojis-in-region')
(setq emojify-regexps (seq-map #'regexp-opt
- (seq-partition (ht-keys emojify-emojis)
+ (seq-partition (sort (ht-keys emojify-emojis)
+ (lambda (string1 string2) (> (length string1)
+ (length string2))))
@@ -796,6 +801,14 @@ TODO: Skip emojifying if region is already emojified."
(emoji (ht-get emojify-emojis match)))
(when (and (memql (intern (ht-get emoji "style"))
+ ;; Skip displaying this emoji if the its bounds are
+ ;; already part of an existing emoji. Since the emojis
+ ;; are searched in descending order of length (see
+ ;; construction of emojify-regexp in `emojify-set-emoji-data'),
+ ;; this means larger emojis get precedence over smaller
+ ;; ones
+ (not (or (get-text-property match-beginning 'emojified)
+ (get-text-property match-end 'emojified)))
;; Display unconditionally in non-prog mode
(or (not (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode 'tuareg--prog-mode 'comint-mode))
;; In prog mode enable respecting `emojify-program-contexts'
diff --git a/test/emojify-test.el b/test/emojify-test.el
@@ -325,6 +325,19 @@
(emojify-tests-should-not-be-emojified (+ 14 (point-min)))))
+(ert-deftest emojify-tests-overlapping-emojis ()
+ :tags '(core)
+ (emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "👲🏽"
+ (fundamental-mode)
+ (let ((count 0))
+ (emojify-do-for-emojis-in-region (point-min) (point-max)
+ (incf count))
+ ;; Only one emoji should be displayed
+ (should (= count 1))
+ ;; The larger emoji should be preferred
+ (should (string= (get-text-property (point-min) 'emojify-text)
+ "👲🏽")))))
(ert-deftest emojify-tests-emojifying-org-mode-buffers ()
:tags '(org-mode contextual)
(emojify-tests-with-emojified-static-buffer "* Test :books:\n:books:"