commit 5005e6a2c39725cf08c7f9583a6d6cbd40fd2a3c
parent 4618e37dc7266421c8892047d0635dddd21d4107
Author: Iqbal Ansari <>
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2015 23:27:52 +0530
Add `emojify-overlays-at`, compatibility wrapper around `overlays-at`
Hopefully restores compatibility with Emacs 24.3
1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/emojify.el b/emojify.el
@@ -82,6 +82,31 @@ This provides a compatibility version for previous versions."
(aref (font-info default-font) 3))
(t (frame-char-height))))))
+(defun emojify-overlays-at (pos &optional sorted)
+ "Return a list of the overlays that contain the character at POS.
+If SORTED is non-nil, then sort them by decreasing priority.
+The SORTED argument was introduced in Emacs 24.4, along with the incompatible
+change that overlay priorities can be any Lisp object (earlier they were
+restricted to integer and nil). This version uses the SORTED argument of
+`overlays-at' on Emacs version 24.4 onwards and manually sorts the overlays by
+priority on lower versions."
+ (if (version< emacs-version "24.4")
+ (let ((overlays-at-pos (overlays-at pos)))
+ (if sorted
+ (seq-sort (lambda (overlay1 overlay2)
+ (if (and (overlay-get overlay2 'priority)
+ (overlay-get overlay1 'priority))
+ ;; If both overlays have priorities compare them
+ (< (overlay-get overlay1 'priority)
+ (overlay-get overlay2 'priority))
+ ;; Otherwise overlay with nil priority is sorted below
+ ;; the one with integer value otherwise preserve order
+ (not (overlay-get overlay1 'priority))))
+ overlays-at-pos)
+ overlays-at-pos))
+ (overlays-at pos sorted)))
;; Utility functions
@@ -621,7 +646,7 @@ and end of region respectively."
(let* ((overlays-with-face (seq-filter (lambda (overlay)
(and (overlay-get overlay 'face)
(face-background (overlay-get overlay 'face) nil 'default)))
- (overlays-at beg t))))
+ (emojify-overlays-at beg t))))
(when overlays-with-face
(face-background (overlay-get (car (last overlays-with-face)) 'face) nil 'default))))