commit 1a0d52d67f84921ae3ba4e0d6095ef360f62554a
parent aac530605f1476a08a41362f0e2488d90e455a71
Author: Iqbal Ansari <>
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2016 17:01:06 +0530
Update README to mention integration with prettify-symbols-mode and
1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
- [[#searching-emojis][Searching emojis]]
- [[#inserting-emojis][Inserting emojis]]
- [[#customizations][Customizations]]
+ - [[#displaying-composed-text-as-emojis][Displaying composed text as emojis]]
- [[#configuring-the-types-of-emojis-displayed][Configuring the types of emojis displayed]]
- [[#configuring-how-emojis-are-displayed][Configuring how emojis are displayed]]
- [[#configuring-the-buffers-where-emojify-mode-is-enabled][Configuring the buffers where emojify mode is enabled]]
@@ -80,13 +81,10 @@
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-emojify-mode)
- Additionally ~emojify~ can integrate with ~prettify-symbols-mode~ displaying
- the symbols it recognizes as emojis. This is disabled by default, see
- [[#integration-with-prettify-symbol-mode][Integration with prettify-symbol-mode]].
- In programming modes ~github~ and ~ascii~ style emojis are displayed only in
- string and comments, ~unicode~ emojis are displayed in all contexts. The
- emojis of type ~prettify-symbol~ are displayed only in code context.
+ Emojify integrates with packages like ~prettify-symbol-mode~ and
+ ~org-bullets-mode~ which display text differently, if the alternate text
+ displayed by these packages match an emoji, ~emojify~ will display them too.
+ See [[#displaying-composed-text-as-emojis][Displaying composed text as emojis]] for more details.
*** Searching emojis
The command ~emojify-apropos-emoji~ can be used to display emojis that match
@@ -110,6 +108,14 @@
~emojify-download-emoji~ and set ~emojify-emoji-set~ to the downloaded set.
** Customizations
+*** Displaying composed text as emojis
+ Emacs provides a way to modify how certain text is displayed using the
+ ~composition~ text property. ~prettify-symbol-mode~ and ~org-bullets-mode~
+ are some popular packages that use this feature. If the alternate display
+ matches an emoji then ~emojify~ will display those as emojis too. This is
+ default behaviour. You can disable this behaviour by setting
+ ~emojify-composed-text-p~ to ~nil~.
*** Configuring the types of emojis displayed
Emojify by default displays plain text emojis (~:)~), unicode emojis (~😄~)
and github style emojis ~:smile:~. However this is customizable. You can do
@@ -122,8 +128,6 @@
- ascii - Display only plain ascii emojis
- unicode - Display only unicode emojis
- github - Display only github style emojis
- - prettify-symbol - Display symbols from ~prettify-symbols-alist~
- (which emojify recognizes) as emojis
*** Configuring how emojis are displayed
By default emojis are displayed using images. However you can instruct emojify
@@ -218,7 +222,6 @@
1) "name" - The name of the emoji
2) "style" - This should be one of "github", "ascii" or "github"
- Note: "prettify-symbol" is not a valid style for custom emojis
Additionally the alist should contain one of (see [[#configuring-the-types-of-emojis-displayed][emojify-display-style]])
1) "unicode" - The replacement for the provided emoji for "unicode" display style
@@ -253,12 +256,9 @@
** Integration with prettify-symbol-mode
- Emojify can be configured to display symbols from ~prettify-symbols-alist~ as
- emojis. To do so add ~prettify-symbol~ to [[#configuring-the-types-of-emojis-displayed][emojify-emoji-styles]]. You might
- need re-enable ~prettify-symbols-mode~ if you are already using it, ~emojify~
- will automatically display any symbols from ~prettify-symbols-alist~ that it
- recognizes as emojis. You can use [[#custom-emojis][emojify-user-emojis]] to teach ~emojify~
- about it any symbol it does not recognize yet.
+ NOTE: The old method of adding ~prettify-symbol~ to ~emojify-emoji-styles~
+ has been replaced with a more general method that works with packages other
+ than ~prettify-symbol-mode~. See [[#displaying-composed-text-as-emojis][Displaying composed text as emojis]]
** Known issues
- Emojis are not properly updated after customizing ~emojify-display-style~ or