
fork of https://github.com/iqbalansari/emacs-emojify
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commit 033e3b2fa171d73b932ecf27df237be2fd6e1c36
parent 12afb7c50eccb24c1d83b69fbd24018715dfa396
Author: Iqbal Ansari <iqbalansari02@yahoo.com>
Date:   Sun, 28 May 2017 14:19:49 +0530

Mention emojify-mode-line-mode in the README

MREADME.org | 5+++++
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org @@ -92,6 +92,11 @@ display emojis in ~company-mode~ tooltips, see [[#displaying-emojis-in-company-mode-tooltips][Displaying emojis in company mode tooltips]] for more details. + *[EXPERIMENTAL]* Emojify can be used for displaying emojis in the mode-line, + to enable/disable it for individual buffers use the command + ~emojify-mode-line-mode~, to enable/disable it globally use the command + ~global-emojify-mode-line-mode~. + *** Searching emojis The command ~emojify-apropos-emoji~ can be used to display emojis that match given regexp/apropos pattern. The results are displayed in a specialized