
a waveform sequencing synth on the web
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      1 * things
      2 ** seems like waveEditor works by sending a new waveform array and getting that same thing back as a prop, then checking against the old one and seeing that it's different. Could this be better?
      3 *** too many props change because of mousemove event bullshit
      4 *** gotta always check in componentWillReceiveProps if we should compute or not since it isn't guaranteed that any props have changed.
      5 * <2017-12-02 Sat 15:46>
      6 ** send mouse events through dom rather than react? Might cause conflicts with events down the line. But it would be more efficient
      7 /home/mds/code/web/synthing-preact/src/App/index.js:26
      8 *** add mousemove listener only on click on canvas
      9 *** remove on mouseup!
     10 *** don't do until necessary
     11 ** the synth
     12 *** whenever the wave changes, it should be put into the osc node
     13 *** whenever settings in UI change, they should change the nodes related to those settings.
     14 * <2017-12-03 Sun 19:18>
     15 ** waveform becomes an array
     16 *** DONE be able to update, remove waveform at idx i
     17 *** DONE have convenience methods to update "active" waveform, acting the same as before
     18 *** DONE be able to change active waveform
     19 * <2017-12-03 Sun 21:35>
     20 here's an idea: make modules in vanilla js and interact with them via react. We'll get some reusability in other projects and keep react doing viewstuff, not statelogicstuff
     21 * <2017-12-10 Sun 18:18>
     22 Working on some optimizations. Playing is event heavy so I want to make keyevents be as quick as possible. Bubbling