
learn the notes on a guitar from the comfort of your android phone
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deploymentTargetSelector.xml (1169B)

      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      2 <project version="4">
      3   <component name="deploymentTargetSelector">
      4     <selectionStates>
      5       <SelectionState runConfigName="app">
      6         <option name="selectionMode" value="DROPDOWN" />
      7         <DropdownSelection timestamp="2024-07-03T09:21:41.354400312Z">
      8           <Target type="DEFAULT_BOOT">
      9             <handle>
     10               <DeviceId pluginId="LocalEmulator" identifier="path=/home/me/.android/avd/Medium_Tablet_API_VanillaIceCream.avd" />
     11             </handle>
     12           </Target>
     13         </DropdownSelection>
     14         <DialogSelection>
     15           <targets>
     16             <Target type="DEFAULT_BOOT">
     17               <handle>
     18                 <DeviceId pluginId="LocalEmulator" identifier="path=/home/me/.android/avd/Medium_Tablet_API_VanillaIceCream.avd" />
     19               </handle>
     20             </Target>
     21             <Target type="DEFAULT_BOOT">
     22               <handle>
     23                 <DeviceId pluginId="PhysicalDevice" identifier="serial=1C161FDF600FF6" />
     24               </handle>
     25             </Target>
     26           </targets>
     27         </DialogSelection>
     28       </SelectionState>
     29     </selectionStates>
     30   </component>
     31 </project>